Imagine yourself grocery shopping, walking through the cookie isle and feeling NOTHING - in fact you think to yourself - 'I could reall...
Imagine yourself grocery shopping, walking through the cookie isle and feeling NOTHING - in fact you think to yourself - 'I could reall...
At Mom on the Glow you’ll find DELICIOUS guilt-free recipes, the most effective fitness recommendations, a variety of health-inspiring programs and lifestyle tips to ignite your metabolism, give you amazing energy and get you glowing inside and out!
Do you want to make changes in your health but don’t know where to start? I provide consults vis Telephone, Skype or Email! Check out the ‘Work With Me’ section to find a package that suits your needs!
Do you want to participate in our next 14 Day Body & Lifestyle Transformation Program? Register BEFORE the next start date to receive your package and have a chance to prepare yourself for success! Next start date is: June 13, 2016
Do you want to be part of the Mom on the Glow group and have access to amazing recipes, lifestyle and fitness tips? Follow me on Facebook!
At Mom on the Glow you’ll find DELICIOUS guilt-free recipes, the most effective fitness recommendations, a variety of health-inspiring programs and lifestyle tips to ignite your metabolism, give you amazing energy and get you glowing inside and out!